Veggie patch or cow patch?

There are many reasons for someone to be a vegetarian or to be a meat-eater. I personally chose a few years ago to be a vegetarian whilst on holiday in Majorca for two weeks; it lasted until I was offered a ham sandwich. There are a lot of health benefits to being a vegetarian as it makes you think about what you are eating and can help people lose weight. However there are some drawbacks, there is some very good vitamins in meats, especially red meats, that if you were vegetarian you would miss out on. I chose to be a vegetarian for hose few days because I felt that if I can’t stand the thought of that animal being killed then I shouldn’t eat it. On the other hand some meats in small amounts you can improve your diet and provide yourself with important vitamins it is hard for you to get if you don’t eat meat. Also the meats like sausages, beacon, lamb, beef burgers are so delicious I can’t resist.

To conclude if you can live without the meats and want to watch your weight more then go veggie or just watch how much meat you eat. But if you eat meat and want to eat meat then just please for the animals sake make sure it is treated well and slaughtered kindly and fairly.

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