S.N.A. Showcase

This Wednesday South Nottinghamshire Academy are hosting their annual showcase at the grange for one night only! All of the school music groups will be performing from flute choir to samba band, concert band to clarinet solos. The junior and senior dance academies will be performing dances that they have choreographed themselves with the help of Mrs Hawkswarth the dance teacher and organiser of the showcase. Three of the year ten girls in senior dance academy have also run a year seven dance club and the dance they have done will be performed for the first and only time on stage at the showcase. There are also a big handful of solos and duets in music and dance this year. This year some students in the year ten drama group will be performing a piece that they have devised and directed themselves. There is going to be lots of talent on that stage if you’re going enjoy, if not then I recommend you get a ticket and come along. See you there!

David Walliams breaks Guinness World Record

On Comic Relief, David Walliams broke the Guinness World Record for the most amount of kisses in 30 seconds- with a huge 55 smooches on stage.

The comedian managed to get 55 kisses on his rosy cheeks in less than half a minute and his faces throughout was a picture.

Orlando Bloom helped David warm up earlier on by giving him a good smooch beforehand, after that David Walliams was ready and waiting with some hilarious faces.

It really is something you need to watch!

Like midnight but in the morning?

On Friday 20 March we have the luck to witness a solar eclipse, the next is in 2090! So its a one in a life time experience!

The UK will experience a partial solar eclipse – the Moon will pass in front of the Sun, blotting out up to 98% of its disc and putting much of the UK into a morning twilight.

For many, this will be the first time they have witnessed the phenomenon in 15 years, but eye specialists say people should not use their camera phones to capture the event. This is because it can can cause damage to your eyes, so be careful. If you want to witness the event be sure to get some special glasses so you are safe.

The eclipse is meant to happen between 9:10 and 10:10, so make sure you look out for it at school! The whole of Rushcliffe School will be witnessing the event with the help special glasses provided! You will be sure to notice when its happening anyway as its going to go dark! You might even see birds roosting as they think its night!

So make sure you look out for this once in a life time phenomenon! You don’t want to miss it!


Why Vote?

Less than half of the 18 to 24 year olds voted in the last general election, a staggeringly low percentage, but why didn’t they? Perhaps it was just lack of interest in politics or a feeling that, whatever the outcome, it would have no real impact on the ins and outs of their daily lives. But we are fortunate enough to live in a democratic country where we have the freedom to choose our leaders so everyone should make the most of this opportunity and use their vote.

Not convinced yet? Here’s a list of five reasons why you should vote on May 7th:

  1. Every vote matters, sometimes the results are very close so your vote really could make the difference.
  2. If you ignore your right to vote, you consequently lose your right to complain about anything the government does.
  3. Are you female? Did you know women died for your right to vote? If people were so passionate about this cause, how can it be wrong?
  4. Take responsibility; do you really want someone else deciding what’s best for you?
  5. Break away from the stereotype, the last election shows that very few young people care about the country’s political future, prove them wrong, after all you’ll be living with the consequences for much longer than the older voters.




What can you do this spring?

As spring is on its way I’m going to tell you an idea to help the birds around you get ready for spring!

Make a bird feeder:

Stuff you will need:

Plastic drinks bottles, yoghurt pots or milk cartons (make sure they’re clean), wire or string, bird seed, scissors.


Cut a hole in the side large enough to allow a free flow of seeds, but in such a way that it won’t all fall out on the ground in wind, and won’t get wet if it rains.

Make a few small holes in the bottom of your feeder to allow any rainwater to drain away.

Hang it with wire, or even strong string from a tree or your washing line.

If your feeder starts to wear out or the food in it goes mouldy, recycle it and make another one!
Remember to keep your feeders well stocked. Help the birds fill their tummies after a long winter!

Also you can make a bird bath with just a tub of water in your garden that is shallow, its that simple!

This idea is so easy and can really help out the birds this spring so give it a go!


National careers week

National careers week is a scheme that has been created with LifeSkills by Barclays and aims to celebrate careers guidance and free resources across the UK. The overall goal of this week is to offer guidance for people leaving education and to give them a better chance for their future. National careers week runs from the 2nd to the 6th of March and each day of the week has a theme:

  • Monday-future jobs
  • Tuesday-WEX
  • Wednesday-LifeSkills
  • Thursday-Enterprise
  • Friday-Apprenticeships

This is a great opportunity for all young people in the UK. Finding the right path for the future can be difficult, but there is help out there. If you get involved. Get schools involved, businesses involved and employers involved. By using this service you could find your next step and ensure a good future.

The Secret to Success

We all know how important a good education is in getting the career you want but what has perhaps an even greater impact on an employer’s final decision is the experience you have; what is it that sets you apart from the crowd and may one day be what gets you your dream job? Our work at YouNG is an amazing example of this, in this blog I’m going to talk about my cousin, and what he went through to get to where he wanted to be.

Andrew has always loved Biology and after finishing his A levels, went on to get a degree in Natural Sciences at Durham University, despite this he was still unable to find a job related to his degree. Determined to make himself more attractive to employers, he volunteered on a project working with turtles in Madagascar for three months, with just his food and accommodation paid for. When he returned home he continued in his pursuit of a job he really wanted to do, meanwhile he worked at both Argos and as a fundraising manager with a Spina Bifida charity. However he still couldn’t manage to get a job he loved, so he decided to return to volunteer work, confident that more experience would help.

This time he travelled to St Eustacius in the Caribbean, where he stayed for 6 months, working this time with birds on what was yet again very low pay. On returning to England, Andrew took up one final volunteer job with his local environmental trust and after a short period of time they offered him the paid job he had always wanted.

All of this just goes to show the importance of work experience and although living in Madagascar or the Caribbean to get a job isn’t an option for most of us yet, the sooner you start and the more experience you get, the better.  So what are you waiting for?

Will you be my Valentine?

Whether you are single, in a relationship or in the “it’s complicated” stage we all need to show some one we love and appreciate them. Your mum, your dad, sister, brother, partner, husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. So I thought why not make you a list of ways you can do just that!

  1. Just ring them or text them when you know they are having a bad day or randomly
  2. Give them a hug when you see them or just to surprise them
  3. If you are home before them cook them dinner or maybe even a cup of tea or coffee
  4. Just listen to them, sit with them and talk their worries through with them
  5. Do small things for them, things you know they will appreciate
  6. If you leave the house before them leave them a little note saying that you love them
  7. Take them out, surprise them and go to a fancier place then they were expecting

8.Buy them little things, perhaps just their favourite chocolate bar to show how well you know them

  1. Show them off, call them yours, show you are proud of them
  2. Tell them they look beautiful / handsome notice a new outfit or haircut


Light Night: 6 February

Take part in a fantastic night of discovery as Nottingham comes to life this Light Night: Friday 6 February 2015 from 6pm till late! Light Night looks absolutely fab, there are tons of activities to do all over Nottingham. Including the Lace Market, the city centre and Nottingham castle.  There are lots to see and do like the big wheel in the square illuminated with lights! Cover yourself with lights as we celebrate this bright night, Here are a few idea to light up your outfit!:

  • Glow in the dark paints are great fun to paint your old clothes with , you can also buy glow in the dark nail polish to flash up those fingers.
  • The classic torch, these are great to brighten up the city but be careful to keep them pointed away from any cars, buses or people. They want the lights to dazzle them but not literally!
  • You can buy glows sticks and glow in the dark jewellery from your local supermarket, cheap but chirpy!
  • Sparklers are a great idea, but be careful and make sure you are with an adult
  • Or you can pay £2 for a badger to support light night!


Find out more about this event here: www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/lightnight