Raptor or Triceratops?

Times are changing. More and more people are becoming vegetarians, but is it a good idea? It is well known that most people’s source of protein is meat. So how can you still be healthy not eating meat and therefore not getting your main source of protein? Well the truth is that there are many other ways to receive the protein that you need even if you do detest meat. There are meat alternatives such as quorn, which can be used to replace meat and there are also pills to give you the protein you need.

But people still argue that it isn’t healthy to be a veggie and that it is the main part of every meal. But there were times when meat as important in meals as it is now. For example, during world war two a lot less meat was eaten due to the rationing which was in place at the time. Despite having less meat at the time, people still remained as healthy. So it begs the question is meat as important as we think it is?

Personally in my opinion I think that meat is definitely a good thing to include in your diet, even if minimal. However it’s not essential and if people want to be vegetarians then I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. But I don’t think I’ll be joining them anytime soon.

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